My Stories

My blog, essays and articles feature stories on healing from trauma, coping with disorder and practicing mindfulness

Dec 23rd 2020

Awakening: How Occupational Therapy Uncovered Hidden Trauma

December 23, 2020|Categories: Essays|

It was March of 2018 and my third attempt at medication in three years. To try to ease my troubled mind. I had tried drugs before — prescribed or not — but this time, I was more desperate than usual for one to work. Because it wasn’t just myself I was trying to save, it was my marriage. My husband and I had recently experienced another incident. Another episode of me unconsciously going after him. Attacking him. Followed by [...]

CPTSD, PTSD and Trauma: How Practicing Self-care Helps Me Find Myself Post-trauma (+5 Steps to Assessing Your Self-care)

Self-care was a new concept to me when I first started learning about it in my late 30s. After my repressed trauma had surfaced. And it was by practicing self-care that I was able to find my way back to [...]

Anxiety, Depression and Trauma: Meeting Yourself Where You’re at (+6 Journaling Tips to Get There)

I recently read an article that discussed feeling sad at the beginning of a new year, and it made me think of the concept I learned during trauma recovery of meeting yourself where you’re at. A concept that saved me [...]

PTSD and Trauma: How Having Hobbies Saves Me from Depression and Helps Me Be Mindful (+5 Tips for Getting a Hobby Started)

For decades, having hobbies was a foreign concept to me. Doing mindful things in my free time wasn’t possible because there was no free time. I spent so much of my time surviving that I wasn’t living. I knew how [...]

CPTSD, PTSD and Trauma: How Stranger Things Season 4 Acknowledges Repressed Trauma

(Spoiler alert)  My husband and I recently finished watching Season 4 of Stranger Things, and I’ve been reflecting on how much it dealt with repressed trauma—with a memory so traumatic that it is blocked from our conscious mind—and it made [...]

CPTSD, PTSD and Fight-or-flight Response: Living in a Trauma Cycle and 7 Steps to Ending It

When you’re living in a trauma cycle, your thoughts are wired for chaos. And you remain in a fight-or-flight state. Running from problem to problem. From crisis to crisis. Where I lived for over 23 years.  The best way to [...]

“Loved reading this Jenna, what a great explanation of how your OT helped you. I have taken a few tips for a client of mine I am treating at the moment! Great post. Cheers!”


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